Thursday, June 01, 2006

I need to try harder

So, yes, I get up on a work morning at 5:54, a.k.a. 6:04, and the first order of business is to take Diesel out for his morning snouting session. We typically get back around 6:30 (real time), perhaps a bit later if we take his favorite route of the wooded trail by the school. After that it goes something like this: make coffee, feed Diesel, sneak in five minutes of tossing a plush toy (lobster, purple bone, bull, stuffed moose, hippo amputee, heart rope, etc. … the choice is his) down the hallway because who can resist watching the beagle shake his head furiously as he returns said plush toy for another toss?, then on to the shower and make-up and hair-drying. By this time it's typically 7:40 and I still need to pack my lunch, eat breakfast (most important meal of the day they say), get dressed, kiss my husband good-bye, and be to work by 8. Which lately has been getting stretched to 8:15 (gulp).

What in this routine suffers the most? The getting dressed part.

I do arrive to work fully covered but not always with much effort. When is the last time I attempted to wear a skirt? Pre-beagle. When is the last time I actually *didn't* wear some sort of hoodie with a comfy top underneath? Pre-beagle. When is the last time I put forth much effort at all?

Well, it's not completely Diesel's fault. It's not like I got up at 6 A.M. pre-beagle to pour over my wardrode. I slept a half hour longer. More likely I haven't been shopping in quite some time so I'm not overly inspired.

But I do need to try harder. Tomorrow's Friday. Maybe tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I love your blog so far!!! I can so relate to this morning senario and I don't even have a dog. I have 5 cats. Have you ever tried to herd cats half awake?


June 1, 2006 at 12:48 PM  

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