The second day of spring
Mother Nature certainly has a way about her.

True, no one wishes for a spring snowstorm – especially one due to bring 9-12" by the time it's through. And just when the snow we had around all winter had almost melted away.
But there are quite a few upsides to today's storm:

True, no one wishes for a spring snowstorm – especially one due to bring 9-12" by the time it's through. And just when the snow we had around all winter had almost melted away.
But there are quite a few upsides to today's storm:
- As it's Good Friday, we only had a half day of work – so it was almost like a "snowday".
- A rather short walk through the deep snow in the woods sufficiently wears the beagles out for the afternoon.
- There is great entertainment watching said beagles plow through the chest-deep snow or, even better, bound great heights like deer or elk.
- As it is a spring snowstorm, the snow won't stick around for the next three months and we aren't due to get a well-below-freezing drop in temperature afterwards.
- This storm could bring us to the second all-time snowiest season on record (is that really an upside?!). (Yes, this season is now officially the second all-time snowiest with 96.9 inches. The record is 109 inches which we will not beat! :)
- And, let's face it, it's pretty – very pretty.

Wow! You did get snow, didn't you! Yes, it is very pretty! We hope the Easter bunny is able to hop to your house in all that snow!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Holy MOLY!!!! Come on down!!!! I hope Mother Nature (the child abuser) will give you a great payback with an extra wonderful April!
wags from the whippets
How gorgeous! I wish I was there to join you guys...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Wow, the second-snowiest winter in history! Those are some beautiful photos. You're right, it is quite pretty. I like the stillness after a snowstorm, as if the snowfall muffles out everyday noise.
Hope you had a great Easter!
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